Okay, so I’m not real original with my titles… Hey, come on, be nice! I’m trying here! And it’s a pretty outfit, so just don’t think about the so-not-unique name I gave it. :oP

When we first meet Lucienne, she’s wearing a white blouse with a ruffled neck, a brown (leaning toward red) skirt, and a yellow wrap sweater. (All of Lucienne’s outfits consist of a skirt, blouse, and sweater.)
Her skirt appears to have box pleats in the back and a smooth front. Her sweater ties on the left, but it appears that the ties go all the way around, giving the baggy sweater a defined waist.

The sweater has trim around the entire edge as you can see in the picture above and the next picture. (You can see the hem details in the first couple pictures.)

I really like this sweater and would like to try and make one. If anyone has any ideas, please pass them along. (I’m afraid I’m a great dreamer, and may never get around to actually doing it… But it’s still fun to make plans, right?)

And in this last picture you can tell that it’s light weight and see through. You can also kind of see the blouse sleeves through it, though the first picture was probably better for that... I can’t tell if the blouse sleeves are elbow length or rolled up. They appear to be a bit bulky in the elbow area. Hmmm…
Look next Monday for her Plane Counting Outfit!